Hyaluronic Acid in Hands

The hands are visible to all, they are your business card, a reflection of your image, age and the type of life you lead.

Many "first impressions" are born in the observation of hands.

It is very common that we focus care on the skin and body and abandon the care of the skin of the hands, which are one of the areas of the body that receives the greatest external aggressions. Both in summer and winter.

The art of combining, the crossbreeding of different hyaluronic acids to rejuvenate and take care of your skin.

Your hands are your business card. Offer them again young and "full" of life.

Rejuvenecimiento de las manos con ícido Hialurónico

The session lasts about 30 minutes.

Improvements noticeable at the moment and its effect last between 6 and 8 months.

Slight discomfort at the time of injecting and inflammation in specific cases.

Hyaluronic acid applied to the skin provides hydration, elasticity, helps to regenerate mature skin ... and all this topically, since one of its main properties is its ability to attract and retain water, making the skin look much smoother and more radiant. It is true that a cosmetic cream with a percentage of this substance is not the same as the application of high-density hyaluronic acid by specialist doctors.

In the case of its use to rejuvenate the hands, one of the parts of the body in which the passage of time is most reflected, the results are spectacular. Hands suffer from all inclement weather: the sun, cold, pollution, environmental dryness ... All this causes spots, wrinkles, dehydration ... In addition, with aging and the loss of density of the skin, the hands lose volume, so the ligaments and veins begin to be noticed, as well as wrinkles on the wrist.

The treatment to rejuvenate the hands is simple: an anesthetic cream is applied to avoid pain and hyaluronic acid is applied through a micro cannula, which provides optimal hydration and a noticeable improvement in the appearance of the hands. The results are immediate from the first application, because hyaluronic acid works by restoring volumes lost over time, attracting water molecules to hydrate the tissue and stimulating collagen synthesis to improve skin quality.

The number of sessions will vary depending on the quality and degeneration of the skin in each case.

Treatment with Hyaluronic Acid in Hands in Barcelona and Badalona


937 063 850


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