Functional Integrative Medicine Unit

Functional Integrative Medicine at CIME Clinic: Health and Wellness from the Root

At CIME Clinic, we understand that each patient is unique and that achieving optimal health requires a comprehensive approach. That is why, in our Functional Integrative Medicine Unit, we combine the best practices of conventional and alternative medicine, with the goal of restoring balance and improving the quality of life of our patients.

Our team of integrative medicine specialists focuses on the personalized treatment of each patient, addressing not only the symptoms, but the underlying causes of chronic diseases. We use advanced techniques such as micronutrition, herbal medicine, homeopathy, and genetic analysis to create completely individualized treatment plans.

What is Functional Integrative Medicine?

Functional integrative medicine combines the principles of conventional medicine with complementary treatments, such as micronutrition (through oral supplements or intravenous fluids), herbal medicine, homeopathy, and lifestyle changes related to diet and exercise. It focuses on treating the patient holistically, improving not only their illness, but their overall well-being.

Our Services at the Functional Integrative Medicine Unit

1. Integrative and Functional Medicine Medical Consultation
Aimed at patients with any type of chronic pathology. During the consultation, our medical team will request blood tests, imaging, and, if necessary, genetic analysis to obtain an accurate diagnosis. From here, we design a personalized treatment plan that may include micronutrition, lifestyle changes, and complementary therapies.

2. Nutri-Metabolic Genetic Analysis (NUTRIGEN – FAGRON)
This analysis is aimed at patients with health conditions related to nutrition and metabolism, such as obesity, food intolerances, autoimmune and digestive diseases. Through this study, we personalize nutritional and treatment plans to achieve better management of pathologies such as diabetes, dyslipidemia, and dermatological allergies.

3. Genetic Hair Analysis (TRICHOTEST – FAGRON)
In cases of alopecia and hair loss, we perform a pharmacogenetic analysis that allows us to determine which drugs and supplements are most effective for each patient. This maximizes the chances of success in treatments with oral medications, mesotherapy injections or topical treatments.

4. Genetic Analysis for Predicting Longevity (TELOTEST – FAGRON)
This analysis measures the shortening of telomeres, which helps us to evaluate the difference between the biological age and the chronological age of patients. With this information, we can predict the risk of metabolic diseases in the short and medium term, allowing us to establish regenerative treatments that help slow down the aging process.

5. Hair Mesotherapy
Treatment with Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) and specific drugs to stimulate hair growth and improve hair quality. It is ideal for patients with alopecia or hair thinning.

6. Facial and Neck Mesotherapy
We apply nutritive mesotherapy with vitamins, regenerative mesotherapy with exosomes or PRP, and anti-blemish mesotherapy to improve the texture and quality of the skin, providing luminosity and rejuvenation.

7. Skin Redensification on the Face and Neck
Treatment with SkinBoosters and polylactic acid (Sculptra) to improve the elasticity and firmness of the skin, reducing wrinkles and expression lines.

8. Neural Therapy
Treatment indicated to regulate acute or chronic inflammatory processes, musculoskeletal or functional. A weak anesthetic (procaine) is used to restore the body's electrical signals and activate endogenous mechanisms of regeneration and regulation of inflammation. It is useful in pathologies such as migraine, irritable bowel syndrome, asthma, or even in post-surgical recovery processes.

9. PRP for Joints and Muscles
Platelet-Rich Plasma treatment for joints or muscle tissues damaged by trauma or wear. Promotes cell regeneration and improves functionality.

10. Bioregulation Serum Therapy
Intravenous application of micronutrients such as vitamins, minerals and amino acids to detoxify and regenerate the body. It is used in cases of hepatitis, diabetes, autoimmune diseases, physical exhaustion, and for the prevention of aging. It is also useful in post-surgical patients and in recovery after intense sports training.

Who can benefit from Functional Integrative Medicine?

This approach is ideal for patients with chronic pathologies or those looking to improve their overall health in a natural and holistic way. It is especially recommended for people with metabolic, digestive, autoimmune diseases, dermatological problems or those interested in preventing premature aging.

At the Functional Integrative Medicine Unit at CIME Clinic, our goal is to help you achieve optimal health through personalized treatments that integrate the best practices of conventional and alternative medicine. We don't just treat your symptoms, we address the root causes of your health problems to improve your quality of life.

We invite you to discover a different approach to medicine. Book your appointment today and begin your journey to wellness.






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