Rhinomodelation with Hyaluronic Acid
Rhinomodelling is nasal reshaping performed with non-invasive or surgical techniques, through the use of filling materials to give the nose a natural and aesthetic appearance.
Nowadays, it is possible to correct the imperfections of the nose without having to go through the operating room. If you do not opt ​​for surgery, rhinomodeling is a non-invasive, fast aesthetic medical treatment with very satisfactory immediate results.
The treatment consists of modifying the nasal angles, both the frontal nostrils and the labial nostrils by gently introducing hyaluronic acid at strategic points in the nose. Rhinomodelling is not a substitute for rhinoplasty since its results are temporary and it modifies the shape, not the volume, although it is a much less aggressive technique. Through a procedure of usually painless filler application, the nose is balanced on the face in a comfortable way, without anesthesia and with hardly any post-treatment discomfort.




What is rhinomodeling without surgery?
Rhinomodeling is a treatment that shapes the nose through the infiltration of hyaluronic acid without the need for surgery.
What is rhinomodeling without surgery?
It consists of injecting through a careful introduction of hyaluronic acid into specific areas of the nose, thus raising the nasal tip, increasing the nasolabial angle, the naso-frontal angle, hiding the prominence of the nose's own bones.
Rhinomodelation is not a substitute for rhinoplasty, in fact its results are temporary but it is a much less aggressive and invasive technique.
Does it have side effects?
Despite being a safe procedure, it can present some side effects, the most common are:
â— Appearance of bruises or lumps in the treated areas.
â— Pain and discomfort.
â— Irritation, hardness and redness of the skin.
These effects usually disappear with the passage of days and last up to a week later.
- It is a safe and fast treatment.
- It is minimally invasive.
- Recovery is immediate.
- A harmonic nose is achieved without the need for surgery.
- It does not leave marks or scars.
- Avoid doing activities that involve a certain risk such as driving or doing intense physical activity.
- Avoid the use of items such as sunglasses, glasses to see or occupational protection items during the first 5 days after treatment.
- Not to expose to sun radiation.
- Avoid smoking or consuming alcohol in excess.
- Avoid sun exposure.
In 30 minutes the patient will see the results, improving the shape of the nose quickly and satisfactorily temporarily.