In aesthetic medicine, the Treatment to smooth dynamic wrinkles with purified natural protein has made a strong appearance in recent years.
Both women and men pursue the search for eternal youth through treatments such as facials capable of reducing wrinkles and providing a better appearance and quality to the skin.
What is this purified natural protein?
This purified natural protein is actually a toxin that takes advantage of its ability to produce muscle relaxation for use in aesthetic medicine.
Advantages of treatment with this protein:
- Surgery is avoided in some cases.
- Its effects from 48-72 hours.
- The effects of treatment last between six and eight months.
- It can be applied at any time of the year.
- It rarely produces adverse effects or has contradictions.
A technique that consists of an infiltration through an extra-fine needle with small doses of this purified natural protein, which act by blocking the release of a chemical produced in nerve endings called acetylcholine, which is responsible for muscle contractions. In this way we selectively interfere with the contraction capacity of the muscles in the desired areas, and the lines of the skin are smoothed, and in most cases, disappear within a week.
It is very important that the treatment is applied by a specialist who knows the facial anatomy, since an intervention in the wrong place can generate an unwanted expression.
The positive effects that are achieved with a good application of the technique thanks to this protein are:
- Tighten the skin by relaxing the muscles and counteracting the main signs of aging ("lifting effect").
- Improve the appearance and quality of the skin.
- Reduce wrinkles.
- Provide a more youthful glow and a feeling of "healthy skin".
- Decrease the secretion of the skin glands.
- Increase the turgor of the skin.
What aesthetic treatments are performed with this protein?
- Forehead wrinkles (frontal muscle).
- Periorbital wrinkles (crow's feet), lower eyelid.
- Upper lip wrinkles (barcode), lower lip wrinkles.
- Neck wrinkles (plastimal bands).
- Glabella, raised eyebrows.
- Wrinkles on the back of the nose (bunny lines).
- Nose nasolabial furrow.
- Cheek wrinkles.
- Gummy smile.
- Grooves in the corner of the mouth (marionette lines).
- Stoned chin.
Do you dare to try it? Clínica CIME's team of doctors will assist you from day one, giving you the security and confidence you are looking for. Go ahead and rejuvenate your skin and give it the best care!
Ask for your informative medical appointment.
Dr. Manuel Rubio
Aesthetic Doctor
Col 45659