To achieve a smooth and firm abdomen, it is essential to adopt healthy lifestyle habits, such as adequate diet, frequent physical exercise, ... However, some factors such as overweight, digestive problems or the passage of time can cause an increase in volume in the abdomen that does not subside with diet or physical activity. The Body Aesthetic Medicine Unit of Clínica CIME proposes four treatments without surgery to eliminate abdominal fat.

The accumulation of fat around the waist of men  can be either a reflection of the excessive accumulation of body fat, or of a poor distribution of fat around that area. This is how it can be explained that people who are thin or with an appropriate weight for their height can wear “love handles”.

Causes of abdominal fat accumulation in men

The cause of the specific accumulation of fat around the waist continues to be an unknown issue, although many discoveries and studies are currently being carried out in this regard as a result of the increased vascular risks associated with increased waist circumference. What is clear is that the accumulation of "love handles" or belly is more frequent in men, probably because there is a modulation of these genes by male hormones, and of course favored by excess food, especially in diets rich in fat trans and sedentary.

How are the abdomen of men and women different?

The abdomen of men and women is similar, although the size and power of the abdominal muscles of men is much greater, with more defined and larger muscles. Racial differences can also be found in terms of muscle definition, with greater muscle definition in blacks.

The abdomen of a woman is determined by the different shape of the hips (wider, to facilitate pregnancy), and slightly greater curvature of the lumbar spine (lordosis). For the treatment of accumulated fat in men, it is essential to distinguish the location of the fat.

Retroperitoneal and perivisceral fat

This type of fat is located behind the abdominal muscles, surrounding the viscera. It is the one that supposes a greater risk of cardiovascular diseases and we do not have medical approaches through techniques for its treatment. The patient must be applied in the realization of exercise and adequate diet.

Subdermal fat

Located immediately under the skin. The treatments available at the CIME Clinic to eliminate subdermal abdominal fat are:

  1. Carboxytherapy

    For light fat accumulations. The combination of a preparation for mesotherapy with high lipolytic power and the most effective dose of carboxytherapy is applied.
    Carboxytherapy is based on the application of a dose of CO2. The treatment is safe, since it is carried out under medical supervision using equipment that allows monitoring of the flow rate, the dose and the time of CO2 administration. Cellulite is caused by a microcirculatory alteration. CO2 increases the amount and speed of blood flow, thus improving microcirculation, oxygenates tissues and enhances the burning of fat.

  2. Aqualyx

    It acts directly on localized fat, eliminating adipose cells, thus achieving a remodeling of the body without the need for surgery. We combine this treatment with cavitation so that adiposity is reduced more quickly. And to complete it, after the treatment with Aqualyx ™ we recommend performing lymphatic drainage massages or pressotherapy.
    Visible results are achieved from the first session, although they will be more visible after the month from the application. An average of 3 sessions are needed, one each month, to achieve a complete result, always under medical criteria.

  3. Cavitation

    Cavitation is a technique to remove localized fat through the use of ultrasound. With this technique, we are able to create microbubbles inside adipocytes (fat cells), breaking their membrane. When this protective layer of the cell is destroyed, it will be reabsorbed through the lymphatic system, we give a deep and controlled heating that affects the skin and subcutaneous tissue causing a series of reactions that favor the formation of new collagen and elastin, improves the circulation and decreases flaccidity.

    Cavitation is especially recommended to improve cellulite and localized fat. On many occasions we will combine this treatment with body radio frequency to improve the elimination of: Cellulite, flaccidity and localized fat.

  4. Radio frequency

    Body Radiofrequency is a technique that consists of applying low-frequency electromagnetic waves that move from a positive pole to a negative pole, transforming that energy into heat and creating a thermogenic response. With this treatment we create a deep and controlled heating that affects the skin and subcutaneous tissue causing a series of reactions that favor the formation of new collagen and elastin, improve circulation and reduce flaccidity.

    We perform soft and draining passes with the radio frequency emitter over the area to be treated. It is a relaxing treatment with which we will be able to disconnect for a few minutes while our skin reaffirms. Finally we will apply a tissue firming oil to enhance the effect of radio frequency.

    Types of Radio Frequency
    We will use the most appropriate radiofrequency treatment for each case:

    Tripolar: produces a superficial heating that helps us to reaffirm the sagging of the skin such as that caused by sudden thinning.
    Monopolar: produces a deep heating that acts on the adipose tissue and contributes to the regeneration of the skin.

  5. Body mesotherapy

    Mesotherapy is a non-surgical technique that uses pharmaceutical and homeopathic medications.

    Body mesotherapy is a medical treatment that reduces fat cells and eliminates them naturally. With this system we reduce body volume and reduce cellulite.
    With Mesotherapy, it is possible to mobilize the accumulated fat that does not disappear with exercise. The decrease in contour will be seen as the sessions progress, as well as an improvement in the quality of the skin.

    The results are long-lasting, but it is not a liposuction, so it is advisable not to increase the weight.

Do you dare to try it? Clínica CIME's team of doctors will assist you from day one, giving you the security and confidence you are looking for. Go ahead and rejuvenate your skin and give it the best care! . free of charge and without any obligation we will advise you.

Dr. Manuel Rubio

Aesthetic Doctor

Col 45659

Aqualyx â„¢ treatment in Barcelona and Badalona


937 063 850


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