Do you know what kind of lip you have?

Surely you have heard in many advertisements: "each lip is UNIQUE ...". Well, it is a phrase that is very correct.

Currently the treatment of the lip with hyaluronic acid is one of the most demanded treatments in clinical practice in Aesthetic Medicine and although it seems like a simple treatment, it implies a great challenge for us doctors to create a perfect pair of lips.

Each patient is different, and yes, each lip has unique characteristics.

Depending on the type of lip, we can predict, to a certain extent, the amount of product required depending on the objective pursued with the treatment.

We can group them according to their characteristics:

  • Fine lips.
  • Thin upper lip.
  • Thin lower lip.
  • Full lips in the center and elongated corners.
  • Heart shaped lips.
  • Thick lips.
  • Small lips.
  • Lips with drooping corners.
  • Asymmetrical lips.

labios hialuronico cime Badalona Barcelona

We all want attractive and beautiful lips, but above all lips in harmony with our face.

To achieve good results it is important to:

  1. Know and correctly assess the anatomy of the lip.
  2. Assess proportions and asymmetries.
  3. Have a wide range of products to adapt it to the desired result.Know and apply correct techniques, depending on the lip to be treated and the objective of the treatment.
  4. Remember that on the lips it is ONLY indicated to be able to apply a safe and absorbable dermal filler product such as hyaluronic acid, we must bear in mind that good products have some costs and we always think of putting quality products in our body, what cheap in many occasions it is expensive and much more in aesthetic medicine.

Do you want to know what type of lip you have and how we can treat it?

Clínica CIME's team of doctors will assist you from day one, giving you the security and confidence you are looking for. Go ahead and rejuvenate your skin and give it the best care!

Ask for your informative medical appointment.

Dr. Claudia Paredes Marcano

Col .: 53285

Each lip needs a specific hyaluronic acid


937 063 850


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