Pressotherapy is a compression system that works by means of inflating pumps. It is a controlled compression that is performed by introducing the extremities covering the legs and buttocks in a kind of boots that contain five separate chambers in which a compressor blows air under pressure in a metered manner. Simulates a deep massage that uses enough pressure to reach below the surface of the skin.

This pressure is positive and in an upward direction, in this way the pressotherapy stimulates the circulatory system generating lymphatic drainage and thus contributing to the elimination of liquids, fats and toxins that generate cellulite, edema, lymphoedema and venous disorders such as varicose veins.

This technique can be complemented with seaweed to detoxify, firm, tone, improve circulation and increase lymphatic drainage.

It is recommended for slimming and detoxification, it is recommended to shape and reshape the body, it relieves pain and inflammation, providing immediate comfort, it also redefines the legs and stomach while improving skin tone.

Pressotherapy is frequently used for the elimination of cellulite, which is an accumulation of fat under the skin that results in small lumps, especially concentrated on the legs and buttocks. It is capable of eliminating it through deep physical stimulation with two types of pressures. The first, an active pressure that breaks the accumulations of fat, and the second that is responsible for making the fat circulate for disposal.

Contraindications to pressotherapy are established above all in people with circulatory and cardiac problems, cancer patients or with pacemakers.

It is also not allowed if the person suffers from deep vein thrombosis, superficial thrombophlebitis or severe peripheral arterial insufficiency.

Treatments based on pressotherapy are not recommended for those suffering from hypo or hypertension, skin infections or leg infections.

Unlike other treatments, it is not always contraindicated in pregnant women, but it should be advised and followed by the gynecologist.

The pressotherapy treatment lasts approximately 30 minutes and one session is recommended every week for at least eight consecutive weeks.


Marta Echegoyen

Medical Spa Director


937 063 850


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