Fluid retention affects many women and although it is not a disease in itself, it can cause a lot of discomforts. In CIME Clinic we recommend the treatment with Pressotherapy to improve this problem.


Pressotherapy is an aesthetic medical treatment that helps mechanically perform lymphatic drainage through air pressure.

For the performance of the Pressotherapy, the boots and a girdle will be placed at the flanks, it is also possible to apply this treatment on arms, the use of protective pants will be necessary, each patient will have their pants.

These boots are connected to an air pump that gradually gives pressure and ascending, leaving a few seconds of rest in the middle and then starting the cycle again. With this, pressotherapy stimulates the circulatory system and helps eliminate fluids and toxins found in the body.


With Pressotherapy we will not only notice aesthetic benefits such as reduction of swelling (thanks to the elimination of fluid) toxins, edemas, lymphedemas, venous disorders such as varicose veins and improvement of the skin, but also has medical benefits such as system reactivation circulatory system, increased oxygenation of the body, immune system stimulation and muscle toning.

As far as cellulite is concerned, we will notice an improvement in skin texture, we will decrease the dreaded orange peel, but we must be aware that we will not eliminate fatty tissue.


  • Exercise, walk, swim or any activity that requires moving your legs. If you spend many hours sitting, get up at least once per hour and move the sentences frequently.
  • Do not wear tight clothes and try to wear comfortable clothes to avoid swelling.
  • Drink as much water as possible, it is recommended to drink 1.5L a day, the more water we drink the more we help to eliminate it.
  • Drink fasting infusions, the ones that help us most are those of parsley, juniper, horsetail, and cucumber.
  • Eat foods rich in potassium such as fruits and vegetables. And low in sodium such as vegetables (apples, pears or cherries), cereals (oatmeal or rice), potatoes, soybeans or other legumes.
  • Get enough rest and raise your legs every day to avoid leg retention.
  • After showering, take cold showers on the legs, to help circulation and prevent fluid retention.

If you have any questions about the diet to follow after the Intragastric Balloon, contact our medical and nutritional team.


Marta Echegoyen

CIME Medical SPA Manager


937 063 850


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